Support TerraEm

Support TerraEm

There are four ways to support TerraEm:

1) Join our ranks.  If the climate crisis is burning in you just as it is burning the earth, contact us and see where you can become a part of TerraEm’s activities.  

2) Donate and financially back our projects.  We are looking for support for our individual projects.  We are currently building our new Climate Education program which will need financial support to build and run.  We intend for the program to be inexpensive or free for the participants.  Therefore, we will need funding for a small staff of educators, specialist lectures, and transportation expenses.  TerraEm has little overhead since no office space is required.  

3) Take on one of our project ideas and run with it.  We are always looking for people to develop new ideas.  Look at the list of ideas that have already come up and see if there is something for you. 

4) Spread the word.  One of the most important things that you can do is talk about the climate crisis to as many people as you can.  And tell them about us as well.  

Donate to Our Activities

TerraEm, Inc. is registered as a non-profit organization in the U.S. as a 501(c)(3).

Contact Details
Contact us with the form below or
Bryan Meadan    +972-54-779-1116  
Jill Suskind      +1-781-724-0382