
  • CO2 and the Stupidity Pandemic

    CO2 and the Stupidity Pandemic

    On February 3, 2023, Katherine J. Wu published an article in The Atlantic called, “I Bought a CO2 Monitor, and It Broke Me,” That same day, before reading the article, my daughter (26) complained to me about how “people are stupid.” She was having some issues with a few students in the student village she…

  • The Unmitigated Ramblings of a Man Who Knows that Humanity is Going to End… Soon.

    The Unmitigated Ramblings of a Man Who Knows that Humanity is Going to End… Soon.

    It’s 2021. 2020, The year that will go down in infamy as the year the world went batshit crazy is over. Or is it over? 2021 started okay — just one attempt to overthrow a democracy. Then the end of Trump’s presidency brought a feeling of hope and relief to the world in general and…

  • The Attack on the Attackers of Beef

    The Attack on the Attackers of Beef

    Recently there have been numerous articles and speeches attacking the beef industry for their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.  Many of these attacks call for the planet to go vegan, or at least vegetarian, and site the livestock industry as a major cause for climate change.